View Full Version : Dv rigpro or new DV media rig for soccer?

John Swanson
February 11th, 2007, 06:05 PM
freelance soccer videographer here and have the varizoom vz lsp shoulder mount but am looking to upgrade. I'm looking for more stable shots basically. The shoulder mount I have is ok, but still feel that it's too shaky. Would the new DV Mediarig be a better choice? Is it a more stable piece of equipement for steady shots. I'm usually run and gun on the soccerfield, I don't like to be positioned in one place and I really don't want to use a tripod either, I'm just looking for a shoulder brace that can give that steady tripod shot feel. Any suggesstions. Right now I'm useing a panasonic ag-dvr30 camorder, but will be replacing it with a high def camcorder in the fall for soccer videography, but that's another decision all together. Any suggessetions for the shoulder mount.


Michael Liebergot
February 12th, 2007, 12:12 PM
John, rather than the DVRig Pro (which I used to use and loved), take a look at their new DVMulit Rig. You can shoot in shoulder mode, fig rig mode, handheld mode, or all of teh above in pod supported mode.

I personally shoot all day long in pod supported mode either in handheld or fig rig style, with no fatigue and very steady. You can also mount the entire unit on a tripod at a moments notice. You never have to take it off of your camera, as it folds up conveniently under your camera and can easily be placed in your camera bag.

Just for the record, I find that I get stabler shots not using shoulder mode, as my body will tend to transfer body motion to your camera. Your body is always at motion even when tying to stand still.

PS. The full rig setup will cost you less than either of these units as well.

BTW Varizoom use to be a distributer of the DVRig Pro, which Varizoom just copied as was PAG in the UK and they came out with the PAG Orbitor.

Paul Cronin
February 16th, 2007, 04:23 PM
Have you ever hooked up a gyro to the bottom of the rig? I like the concept.

Michael Liebergot
February 16th, 2007, 05:43 PM
Have you ever hooked up a gyro to the bottom of the rig? I like the concept.
Paul no I haven't, although I also don't know what you are talking about.

Could you elaborate?

Danny Natovich
February 17th, 2007, 05:54 AM
Have you ever hooked up a gyro to the bottom of the rig? I like the concept.

We did experiment with a gyro at the beginning of the DvRigPro project and the results where very nice.

Problems where, The gyros where noisy (Hi freq. scream), Very heavy, needed a lot of power and added weight, and are are very expensive. Due to the nature of human walking you also need a three axis gyro. One other problem was it was kicking back on sudden moves. you had to be really gentle with it.
So we found the use very limited and specific.
Still, a gyro can do miracles.

Paul Cronin
February 17th, 2007, 08:47 AM
I use the Kenyon KS-8. Google and you will find the site. I don't think Cris would want me to put a non-sponsor link in the thread.

Thanks Danny,
Glad to hear it works with the unit. I shoot on powerboats chasing other boats and am standing still so it could work in my application. Also most of the time we don't use the chase boat audio. I have a battery belt and you are correct lots of added weight.
This might be the limited application that could make it worth trying.

Thank you for the help.

Danny Natovich
February 17th, 2007, 10:48 AM
I am sure Chris won't mind, I'm not a sponsor either.

Can you post or mail me some photos of your gyro set up, I envy you for the
powerboot rides, most be lots of fun...

Dennis Kane
February 18th, 2007, 02:43 PM
I just returned from Belize where I used the Dvrig Junior for most of my shooting from power boats. The reef where we dived was 30 miles from shore, the boat traveled about 30 mph to get to the reef quickly and my video was quite nice. I'm sure not as stable as a gyro, but in my world a gyro is overkill.With decent technique, the Junior worked fine. I took both the Junior and the DVmulti but used the junior mostly because I was more familiar with it.
Also I want to thank Danny for airmailing me a new Junior head in preperation for my trip. With customer service like this and quality products, how can you go wrong.
Dennis Kane

Danny Natovich
February 18th, 2007, 02:57 PM
This is too much, You are all having fun ! am I the only working person in this community.

Paul Cronin
February 18th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Thanks Dennis great feed back. I have been e-mailing Danny a few times today and I agree excellent service. I ordered a DvmultiRigPro today and look forward to putting it to work.

It would be nice to keep the gyro in the box more.

Danny work and play must be the same thing every day!

Danny Natovich
February 18th, 2007, 03:48 PM
Paul and Dennis,

some production photos of you guys having fun will sure brighten the walls of our work shop and make my assembly guys smile...

Paul Cronin
February 18th, 2007, 04:44 PM

I will be glad to send a few pictures using the rig when it arrives. I will use it on a job the end of the month.

Michael Rowe
February 22nd, 2007, 08:14 AM
Hi Paul,

I too would be interested in seeing some pictures of the DvmultiRigPro in action when it arrives and when you get a chance to take them. It looks like a great tool to use while moving around filming a concert or festival for long periods of time. All worries about having the space for or being tethered to a tripod or monopod vanish....

Congrats on your purchase--I hope it works out for you.
