View Full Version : ENG Audio edit for satellite uplink.

Robert Adams
February 11th, 2007, 04:31 AM
I'm using a JVC HD111 set up in DV mode, FCP 5.1.2 on a G4 Powerbook, and a Sony DSR-11P DV player/recorder deck. I'm shooting ENG; just about to leave for Afghanistan.

I HAVE trawled the FCP manual, and can't find the answer to this question.

I need to put a mixed track (voice-over and natural sound) on Channel 2, and a "clean" natural sound track on Channel 1.

I usually put all camera track (Ch 1 running the camera mic, Ch 2 recording from radio mic etc, as required) onto Channel 1 in FCP.

Then the reporter records his/her voice track to the camera using a Beyer M58 mic. I import the voice track onto Ch 2 in FCP.

So at the end of the edit I have natsot/interviews/piece to camera etc on Ch1, and voice track on Ch2.

Then I hit Print to Video, press record on my DSR-11, and convert the package to tape, which I then take to an uplink feedpoint, where the technicians play out the tape on the satellite back to my client broadcaster. This all tends to happen in a hurry - we're often looking at an hour or hour thirty tops to cut a two minute news story.

So I need an efficient workflow.

The Problem:

At the moment, when I play back the tape, I get a mixed track on Channel 1 and Channel 2.

What I need is to mix Ch 1 and Ch2 back onto Ch 2, and run Ch 1 clean - without the voice track.

can anyone help?


Andy Mees
February 11th, 2007, 10:30 AM

make sure the audio outputs in your sequnece settings are set to Default Stereo Preset (2 channel audio, grouping stereo)
then in the timeline, select all the audio on A1 and choose Modify > Audio > Pan Center, then select all the audio on A2 and choose Modify > Audio > Pan Right

(don't forget to make sure you also put any translations of your interviews bites on to the channel 2 vo track so as to keep those translations clean)


Robert Adams
February 13th, 2007, 03:30 AM
Thanks very much andy -- that makes perfect sense.

I'll drop a note in here when I've checked it out.

Best wishes