View Full Version : Print to tape ?

Fred Foronda
February 11th, 2007, 01:58 AM
I will have over an hour of HDV all sliced, diced, and spiced. Ready to print to tape. One question though, how do I print to tape that only holds 63 minutes. Will it ask me to insert new tape?


Don Bloom
February 11th, 2007, 08:45 AM
"Will it ask me to insert new tape?"

Its not that smart-either you need a longer tape OR find a spot at a natural break in the action where it's a fade (usually works best) where you can stop insert a new tape and then start printing to tape again.


Edward Troxel
February 11th, 2007, 01:47 PM
You'll need to do everything manually. Select the first part which is less than an hour and then print that to a tape. Now select the rest of the project and print that to another tape. You'll have to do it as two separate print jobs, though.