View Full Version : Audio Track Dropout in FCE

Kevin Randolph
February 10th, 2007, 04:08 PM
Anyone ever had this happen, or know why it would happen?

I was editing in FCE 2.0 and had completed a sequence with 8 audio tracks. At one point in the sequence each track is in heavy use (2 dialog channels as stereo pairs, room tone as a stereo pair, and music as a stereo pair). The problem came when it was time to export. I exported using the Quicktime File option (not quicktime conversion) and then watched the file to ensure that everything was OK. Every time I played the file, no matter that it played fine as a sequence, the music (tracks a7 & a8) would drop out when the room tone (tracks a5 & a6) were introduced. Earlier in the sequence I had used all eight tracks, but not as heavily. There were significant breaks in tracks, and all 8 tracks exported fine.

I ended up having to clip the room tone early, move the music up to A5 & A6, and then it exported fine.

Anybody have any clues? I thought that FCE could handle well over 8 tracks (I thought it was 99)? Or rather, FCE handled it fine until I was exporting.

Thanks for the help,

Victor Kellar
February 11th, 2007, 10:36 PM
Did you Mixdown the Audio before export? (Select all in the timeline then Sequence>Render Only>Mixdown)

And was everything rendered first?

Kevin Randolph
February 12th, 2007, 10:06 AM
Yes, all was rendered and I did the audio mixdown. Any other thoughts?