Steven Bills
February 10th, 2007, 10:43 AM
Besides the Cinema Mode, which gives really choppy video, what combination of effects or modes do you guys use to best emulate the coveted 'Film Look'?
I use the Flash digital effect, set to its lowest setting, combined with an exposure tweak. I'll probably upload some footage later on today.
What do you guys use to achieve this 'Film Look'?
EDIT: Here's the link to the test clip:
Jung Kyu
February 11th, 2007, 11:20 AM
here's film look
u need to deinterlace the footage
hc1 footage.
David Delaney
February 11th, 2007, 04:02 PM
Steve, are you capturing straight to a laptop? What setting are you putting the FLASH on (about 1 from the very left)?
Steven Bills
February 11th, 2007, 09:37 PM
What setting are you putting the FLASH on (about 1 from the very left)?
Yep. Sorry for that vid, it's not very good. But that is what I do.
C.S. Michael
February 13th, 2007, 12:50 PM
Yeah, best we can do is probably to deinterlace, then add cinematic color correction.
I don't know what a 24p conversion (ie. DVFilmmaker) would do with HDV footage.
Tony Macasaet
February 13th, 2007, 04:18 PM
From discussions here, elsewhere, experience and Douglas Spotted Eagle's book on HDV (which is very good BTW)... [These suggestions are relative to the HVR-A1]
These are 'filmic' settings... but much of filmic has little to do with settings of course... so for what it's worth:
-Shoot with shallow DOF - stand back from the subject and zoom in, or use a wide aperture 35mm lens (with 35mm-lens adapter)
-Increase the color (to ~6+ on the A1)
-as suggested before, deinterlace and convert to 24p in post.
-In general people pan the cineframe - pseudo 24p modes, though Douglas Spotted Eagle does report some utility of CF30.
-Black Stretch on
-Gamma setting 2 (though I think this and black stretch add a degree of noise)
-Sharpness down one from default
-1/60 sec shutter speed
-attention to audio quality
Steven Bills
February 14th, 2007, 07:00 PM
Thanks Tony, those are all good things to keep in mind.