View Full Version : XL2, winter; autumn remixed

Brian J. Harris
February 9th, 2007, 10:37 PM
Hello all,

Although we don't receive a tremendous amount of snow during winter, our first and perhaps only snowfall of this season, surprisingly, only occurred during the first weekend in February.

Please option-click or right-click and download.

Also, the link below is an updated file from a thread created last year entitled XL2, autumn. The original has been removed from the server.

The updated clip has a remixed and partially re-recorded soundtrack. The visuals are essentially the same, except for added title graphics. Some people may have already watched this, so it may not be anything new to those.

Please option-click or right-click and download.

Equipment used:
Canon XL2 with stock lens

Brendan Marnell
February 11th, 2007, 02:41 PM
Great tranquility in your video Brian. Delightful Ready Steady Spring stuff too and all footage seemed evenly lit & coloured whether there was snow or shade or backlighting in the frames. Interesting images and a variety of movement.

Brian J. Harris
February 11th, 2007, 10:10 PM
Great tranquility in your video Brian. Delightful Ready Steady Spring stuff too and all footage seemed evenly lit & coloured whether there was snow or shade or backlighting in the frames. Interesting images and a variety of movement.

Hey Brendan,

Thanks! I really appreciate the comments.

Gabriel Yeager
February 12th, 2007, 01:01 AM
Very nice video Brian... I do believe I have watched it before, but it was still a pleasure to watch.

Keep up the good work!

Brian J. Harris
February 12th, 2007, 07:22 AM
Very nice video Brian... I do believe I have watched it before, but it was still a pleasure to watch.

Keep up the good work!

Hey Gabriel,

Thanks! Yes, you may have seen the second video link. As mentioned, the visuals are essentially the same for that clip but with new titles and a remixed soundtrack . The first video link is new though.

I appreciate the comments.

Per Johan Naesje
February 12th, 2007, 03:26 PM
Very nice video Brian!
I like your style of filming. The change of focus point was very clevery made.


Brian J. Harris
February 12th, 2007, 10:18 PM
Very nice video Brian!
I like your style of filming. The change of focus point was very clevery made.


Hey Per,

I really appreciate that. Thanks!

I use one of the lanc controllers to initiate the rack focus moves.

Off topic, but when our sons are a bit older, my wife and I hope to visit your beautiful country.