Jerry Stanley
February 9th, 2007, 06:39 PM
hi guys, i have searched this forum but not found many answers to my questions and hoped you could help. i want to film wildlife in the Uk mainly British snakes and also insects, butterflies etc. i have just about saved enough money to buy either an xl2 or the sony hdr fx1. I do not have much editing equipment, i am obviously after the best quality film for my money. i use canon lenses and wondered if my macro lenses would work well with the xl2. on the other hand would the sony give better results full stop. i would like to stick with canon as i have a few lenses but wondered what you guys think. cheers guys
Boyd Ostroff
February 9th, 2007, 07:20 PM
i would like to stick with canon as i have a few lenses but wondered what you guys think. cheers guys
The Canon lenses should work (with the correct adaptor), but maybe not with the results you expected because of the small chips on prosumer video cameras. See the following for more info:
Jerry Stanley
February 10th, 2007, 03:46 AM
The Canon lenses should work (with the correct adaptor), but maybe not with the results you expected because of the small chips on prosumer video cameras. See the following for more info:
Many thanks Boyd, i just wondered also which camera would give the best results in the field?
Chris Barcellos
February 10th, 2007, 01:25 PM
I have just started shooting some outdoor wildlife footage with the FX1. It has great resolution. I use a Sony 58mm teleconverter with step down ring to shoot long, and it comes out pretty nice. Check out bruces footage at this thread for his nature close up work. Unless long lens is your need, I would go FX1:
Jerry Stanley
February 12th, 2007, 04:54 PM
I have just started shooting some outdoor wildlife footage with the FX1. It has great resolution. I use a Sony 58mm teleconverter with step down ring to shoot long, and it comes out pretty nice. Check out bruces footage at this thread for his nature close up work. Unless long lens is your need, I would go FX1:
thanks Chris those clips are amazing. can anyone else comment?