View Full Version : Vegas Rendering Templates

David Brenchley
February 9th, 2007, 10:08 AM
Anyone have any idea where I might find technical data on creating a rendering template for Vegas.
Our final output is Flash FLV ..
It's a bit of a pain rendering to AVI then having to utilize 3rd party compression tools to get there.

Edward Troxel
February 9th, 2007, 10:10 AM
Vegas does not render to flash. You have to do as you are already doing.

Instead of rendering to an intermediate file, you *could* frameserve from Vegas to your flash renderer. Check out the frameserve add-on at

David Brenchley
February 9th, 2007, 10:47 AM
Yes I understand restrictions .. that's why I wish to create a template that will allow this .. I just can't find any resources as to how .. FYI I'm also a programmer ..

The Frameserver works well, save we create multiple clips on a time line, each stands on it's own and is regioned as such. We render our projects via scripts which applies the region marker as the rendered filename.

Unfortunately it seems frameserver can't deal with this .. theres no way to assign a new filename to frameserver and/or the encoder it's serving ..