View Full Version : Volume envelopes & time - HELP NEEDED !!!

Christian de Godzinsky
February 9th, 2007, 07:19 AM

I needed some extra space in the beginning of my Vegas (7) project. Great - I found the "insert time" tool - great. It moved the markers in sync together with my material - that was the intention. I did a lot of editing before I realized that the VOLUME ENVELOPES on my audio tracks did NOT move along with everything else. Now the questions come:

1. What went wrong? Should the volume envelopes correctly follow time insertions? Is there an option for this? And if - why is it not activated by defalut?

2. Most important? How do I correct the problem - how do I select the volume envelope on an entire track and move it where it belongs???????

Additinally: can I delet time as I can insert time? I did not find such a control anywhere. I would be handy to cut away an empty part of the project so that EVERYTHING moves in sync to close the gap (the markers and EVEN the audio envelopes)...

Any help is more than welcome.....

Best regards,


Edward Troxel
February 9th, 2007, 08:37 AM
Make sure the "Lock Envelopes to Events" button is turned ON on the toolbar.

Don Bloom
February 9th, 2007, 09:16 AM
to delete time on the timeline simply double click in the empty space (this will set a region on all tracks) hit either DELETE or CNTRL X ---THEN you can hit the F key and that will ripple the material to join up with the material before it.


Christian de Godzinsky
February 9th, 2007, 09:58 AM

Hmmm... thanks guys :) I should consider to read the manual - some sunny day. I learned today (with the help of you) how significant this small button "lock envelopes" is ... It should be activated by default when you lauch the app... aarghhh...

I also now learned the F-key (post edit ripple) ***feeling ashamed****. Imagine that I have survived without that functionality until now. No wonder that CTL X or DEL did not work - I did not push the F-key.... ;)

Wonderful this forum and all the help you give to us Vegas rookies... Thanks!!! Vegas IS a fantastic application, learning its (few) oddities it is even greater!

Best regards,


Christian de Godzinsky
February 9th, 2007, 10:10 AM

Ironically... I just prised Vegas and now it halted with an error - again.

Sony Vegas 7.0
Version 7.0d (Build 192)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x13D55FE8 IP:0x4A0C06
In Module 'vegas70.exe' at Address 0x400000 + 0xA0C06
Thread: GUI ID=0xA28 Stack=0x12F000-0x130000

I was just editing the audio envelopes when this happened.... Vegas 6 was more stable :(


Jeff Harper
February 9th, 2007, 04:12 PM
The way that I accomplish what you set out to do is to use auto-ripple (with the proper setting: all marker, tracks and regions ON) and I just drag the entire project from the beginning of the first event (be it audio or video) as far as I need, or even a little farther, and then drag it back when and as needed. I do this often, works great for me. I just have to remember to turn off Auto Ripple when I don't need it, as that can cause havoc...which has happened on numerous occasions!