View Full Version : Anybody got some polished footage from an A1

Philip Hinkle
February 8th, 2007, 09:52 PM
I have been contemplating the jump to HDV from SD land for awhile and researching for a long time. I finally decided the time was right and just ordered 2 A1's and backordered an HV20. I will be the first on my block with an HV20 for a 3rd Cam.

I have seen lots of first time footage and low light tests. Does anyone have a nice finished product highlight type clips shot on an A1 I could check out. I have a friend I have been telling all about the A1 but they are Sony campers. They want to see something I created with the cams when I get them but I don't have a wedding to get real footage on till April.

Any wedding people out there got a highlight video to share so I can see what to expect. If it has reception footage with low lighting even better. I would like to sell my friend on the Canon idea?

Much appreciated.

Once it comes in I will be downloading some preset files and learning all about low light enhancement. I know there is plenty of info here about it. Better get some work done before they arrive as it will be a day wasted when they do!

Chris Hurd
February 8th, 2007, 10:15 PM
Have you looked all the way through our XH Sample Clips forum?

Plenty of very good material in there.

Philip Hinkle
February 8th, 2007, 10:17 PM
I just saw it after I posted here and tried to delete my post but couldn't find a way to do it. The only wedding related clip I saw on the first page was not up anymore so I am still looking for a wedding highlight but will be sure to check the others out as well.

Nick Weeks
February 9th, 2007, 08:38 AM
I hope Joe doesn't mind me posting this, but I'm pretty sure this is the clip he made with the A1. It was posted here quite a while back, in fact it was the first Wedding clip I saw made with the A1.