View Full Version : Playback Std Locked Help Asap

Dean Collins
February 6th, 2007, 07:08 PM
I am in the HDV Mode and when I go to the vcr/play mode I try viewing my footage that I shot and it always say PLAYBACK STD LOCKED and then like I tried viewing it in dv or something and it works but what i shot with HDV it says playback locked. HOW DO I JUST VIEW MY HD FOOTAGE LOL! Someone help!

Richard Hunter
February 6th, 2007, 07:35 PM
Hi Dean. There are 2 places that you need to set the signal standard. One is the Signal Standard menu for recording, and this is accessed when the camera is in a shooting mode such as Tv, Av etc. The other Signal Standard menu is accessed when the camera is in VCR Playback mode. Looks like you need to set the second one and select HDV or AUTO as the playback standard.
