View Full Version : Video post-processing suggestions

David Nakamura
February 6th, 2007, 02:41 AM
Hello HD1a enthusiasts!

I've had my HD1a for about 2 weeks now and trying my best to accommodate this device's low-light under-performance. With low light comes noise and I've been experimenting with MP4Cam2AVI and VirtualDub filters (denoise, levels, unsharpen, lower saturation as video is artificially vivid from this camera). Can anyone offer any HD1a specific suggestions on free denoising, anti-shake, and "anti-jaggies" filters? or combination of filters that seems to do the trick?

Also, Vista is not thumbnailing my mp4 videos; it will thumbnail an avi video but converting all those videos takes up more and more space. Any suggestions out there? If I need to convert my videos from mp4 to avi, any suggestions on the best compression to use?

Tip: Imagenomic Noiseware Community Edition does a really great job of removing noise from my photos - I highly recommend this.

Wayne Morellini
February 7th, 2007, 11:42 AM
In my alternative imaging technical thread for home made cinema cameras, I mention some, and I had an noise reduction thread on it here, or maybe in alternative imaging, asking for information.

On,, I posted a specific analysis of imaging problems and solutions, but that site has disappeared unfortunately.

My best suggestion (apart from camera light, like the recently announced one at Sanyo) there is an thread on 35mm lens adaptor for Sanyo here. My comments on an purely lens based adaptor, is probably the solution for lowlight. It can, possibly, get a couple of extra stops, depending on the design of the adaptor additional stops maybe possible. If it doesn't use micro lens or other obstructing sensor features, it maybe possible to get one of more additional stops. Even if such an adaptor produces visible aberrations at 720p, it would probably be preferable in the dark to the noise.

I am about to do an additional, post over there that may suit somebody with an broken out of warranty black screen lens HD1 (but an HD2 would probably be preferable).


Mistakenly put figures in for my Canon 8 f1.4 lens, adapted to possible stops for 35mm lens through an good adaptor.