View Full Version : Great Read.."High Definition and 24P Cinematography - Paul Wheeler"

Neil Rostance
February 5th, 2007, 07:24 PM
I found this book a good read, and a solid reference book too.

It really gets stuck into a lot of varied HD debates. Explores 24P, 25P, 30P, 50i and 60i and it's implications into all aspects of production, like costing, delivery logistics, lighting, example shoot setups, playback, lenses, monitors da da da....

It's pretty meaty, and very well written.

Thought i'd give you all the heads up on that one.

Greg Quinn
February 12th, 2007, 12:44 AM
thanks for the headsup on that, I didn't know of its existence. Although the UK Amazon site that you pointed to doesn't have any user-posted reviews, the US site does:

The reviews suggest that the book is loaded towards a thin discussion of the merits of the HDCam F900 and Panavision equipment, the author's employer. If I had a bookstore nearby that stocked it I'd definitely check it out, but the reviews shot down my interest to buy it sight-unseen from Amazon.