View Full Version : Awsome article about Lynch, and Pd150

James Johanson
February 3rd, 2007, 10:02 AM

this is a great article about David Lynch using the 150, and he shot the infamous ps2 commercial indepth.

Boyd Ostroff
February 3rd, 2007, 10:47 AM
Hi James and welcome to DVinfo! That article is an "oldie but goodie" - I remember reading it a number of years ago, and it influenced me in buying a VX-2000. You might also find this interesting:

I know that Lynch was fond of the PD-150 and used it for a number of things.... this might also be of interest:

The PD-150 was and is a great camera, but time marches on and the current generation of cameras offer a lot more control plus a better image, especially if you're working in 16:9.

Rob Yannetta
February 3rd, 2007, 12:23 PM
I agree, but I'm not giving up my PD170.

In my opinion, it's the most perfect SD camera ever made.

Tom Hardwick
February 3rd, 2007, 12:51 PM
PD170 it's the most perfect SD camera ever made.

Can't fault that collection of words. There were many pretenders to the 170's crown, but war correspondents invariably choose the toughest, most reliable and best in the gloom camcorder they can buy for the buck.


Russell Pearce
February 20th, 2007, 12:48 PM
bit of a follow up David lynch video interview

"What was it like to work with digital video instead of film? Did it have its own quality?"

and some other questions about film, editing on FCP