View Full Version : HDV capture problem: V7.0d and HDR-HC7

Dan Peterson
February 2nd, 2007, 08:28 AM
Got my brand-spanking new HDR-HC7 the other day. Just last night I finally had time to try to capture some footage on my PC.
However, I couldn't get V7.0d to do the job. I can see the HDR-HC7 in the Options>Preferences>Devices dialog, and I can even control the camera with the transport buttons on the Capture tab in the lower left. However, when I open the V6 capture utility, it says the camera is not connected (I'm at work now, and can't remember the exact message...).
Funny thing is, I installed the free Sony Picture Motion software, and it captured flawlessly through that. You can understand that I want Vegas to do the capturing, considering the bucks I laid out for it!

Any ideas what's wrong?


Dan Peterson
February 2nd, 2007, 03:59 PM
I think I figured it out:

I remoted in to my PC from work. I see I left the "external" checkbox checked in the Preferences dialog. (In hindsight, I thought the directions said "check", instead of "clear" the checkbox. That's probably it.

So far, I am thrilled with the low-light performance.
