View Full Version : Starting From Scratch!!!???

Todd Moen
April 10th, 2003, 05:28 PM

Well I Have been waiting for a while now for Sony to hopefully come out with a new camera at the NAB this year but it just doesn't look like it's going to happen, So.... I'm going to purchase the PD 150 and some accessories this next week. I have been saving for a long time for this camera and now I'm going to be able to get a few lenses and a few other goodies. This summer I will be working in Alaska and while I'm there I will be shooting scenery, wildlife, plus some fishing and other odds and ends. I will mainly be using this camera for these sort of things after this trip also. I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions about what I should purchase on top of the camera to make this a great set up. I have decided to go with the Century Optics Wide Angle .65x and the 2.0x tele converter lenses. What about filters? I would like to purchase a polarizer, but what kind? And lastly, any suggestions on wireless lavs and replacement shot gun mics. The reason I need a lav is that I will be conducting riverside interviews and need a good quality lav system. Is the Me66 something that I would really need in wilderness type situations? Wow! Thanks for reading all this, It's just that this has been over my head for so long and now it is time to make this move. If I have left something out that you think would help me out please give me some ideas, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks folks,

Brian Pink
April 10th, 2003, 06:52 PM
in a similar situation, i got those 2 lenses, a UV filter, the sennheiser Evolution 100 wireless lav, the ME66/K6, the lightwave Mini Windscreen and Mini Windmaster, a Bogen 501 headed tripod, and a spare battery charger. i have been quite happy with the results.

Mike Rehmus
April 10th, 2003, 07:00 PM
IF you are going to shoot in the great outdoors you will need something to kill the wind noise. You can get a mini-cover for the Sennheiser for $155 from Light Wave.

However, with the WA adapter on there, the cover will show in the frame at max wide zoom. The Sony CAC-12 mount will move the shotgun off the camera by about another inch which solves the problem. About $190 new from B&H.

For just general environmental sound, the microphone that comes with the PD is adequate. Light Wave makes a fuzzy cover for that too.

Be certain and get a fuzzy cover for the lav too. They cost about $50 a pair from Tram Audio. Quite effective.

The ME66 may be a bit too hot for the pd but if you don't go into discos with it, it will probably be OK. Otherwise you can get a K6 module with a reduced output.

In Alaska, I'd get a rain cover.

You can get a good soft case and a rain cover if you buy the kit version of the PD. Just under $3300 at B&H.

Get the lens shades for the add-on lens too.

And a roll of Saran Wrap to cover the camera to keep dust out.

Todd Moen
April 10th, 2003, 08:38 PM
Thanks You Guys, All this info really Helps. The more the better! Is all this equiptment available at B & H?

Mike Rehmus
April 10th, 2003, 08:41 PM
Yes except the light wave stuff which may as well come directly from Light Wave

Todd Moen
April 11th, 2003, 06:04 PM
Saran Wrap? How do you go about Saran wrapping your camera? It sounds kinda funny to me?

Don Bloom
April 11th, 2003, 06:12 PM
Won't be funny when you're caught in a driving rain, hail, sleet, snow or sand storm. Wrap it like a sandwich, a real expensive sandwich, maybe even a little duct tape to seal it up and BINGO, you're set to go in just about any bad weather. Don't forget the filter to protect the lens. Like we used to say, better to have and not need, than to need and not have! Don't leave home without it! :)