View Full Version : Sony Cineframe 24/30 HDV playback compatibility

John M. Graham
January 31st, 2007, 08:51 PM

Does anyone know for sure if Cineframe 24/30 shot with either the FX1 or Z1U playback on Canon HDV cameras?

I haven't found a definite 100% yes or no here...

Thanks for your responses.

Dylan Pank
February 2nd, 2007, 10:36 AM

They should as the Z1 modes are simply normal 1080i streams, technically no different from normal 60i recorded modes. The Canon frame modes deviate from the basic HDV standard slightlyand contain pulldown flags, which is why they aren't compatible with Sony equipment.

But the Sony signals are just vanilla 1080i streams.

John M. Graham
February 2nd, 2007, 01:31 PM
Thanks for the response Dylan. I'm hoping that you're correct - what you said makes sense.

I wonder if an electronics store would allow me to play a tape shot with my fx1 on a HV10? That would be the only way to be for sure.