View Full Version : apple hd monitor on pc

Craig Maret
January 30th, 2007, 10:57 AM
does anyone know if i can use an apple hd cinema monitor with cineform aspect on premiere pro 2?
what graphics card should i use?
will it look as good as a 1080 tv?

currently use

2 gig of ram
running xp 3.2e ghz pc ht
360 gig vid drive
geforce fx5500

hope someone has an idea


Douglas Turner
January 30th, 2007, 10:48 PM
I can't say for sure... but what I can say is that I bought the 30" DELL and an Nvidea 7900 video card (has to be Dual Link DVI) and it's bootiful - and cheaper than the Apple Cinema display, although I must admit - not as trendy.