Roberto Longo
January 29th, 2007, 09:34 AM
Hello Friends,
I'm Roberto from Milan Italy,
I am an happy user of the gy100E but I have a problem that is frustrating.
When I capture using NLE as Vegas or others it happens that the capture begins and stops 2-3 times before continuing faultless.
this thing goes ON-OFF-ON-OFF for 3-4 seconds than the capture continue without problems.
During this sequence the camera displays shows a message "change mode" or "mode change",anyway nothing that is reported on Jvc manuals...
I'm capturing HDV 24 and 25p with the switch set on HDV...
The second problem happens at the end. When I press [Stop] on the capture utility the camera stops but the nle still feel it as playing.... Infact if I try to quit, the software tells me: "capture in progress, are you sure to quit?" pressing YES nothing happen...
then I need task manager to shut down it....
I tried to restore all the factory presets but nothing changes...
The same trouble happens in others NLE, edius avid etc...
I'm loosing too much time on this issue, please help me!
Thanks a lot and my apologiez for my bloody English,
I'm Roberto from Milan Italy,
I am an happy user of the gy100E but I have a problem that is frustrating.
When I capture using NLE as Vegas or others it happens that the capture begins and stops 2-3 times before continuing faultless.
this thing goes ON-OFF-ON-OFF for 3-4 seconds than the capture continue without problems.
During this sequence the camera displays shows a message "change mode" or "mode change",anyway nothing that is reported on Jvc manuals...
I'm capturing HDV 24 and 25p with the switch set on HDV...
The second problem happens at the end. When I press [Stop] on the capture utility the camera stops but the nle still feel it as playing.... Infact if I try to quit, the software tells me: "capture in progress, are you sure to quit?" pressing YES nothing happen...
then I need task manager to shut down it....
I tried to restore all the factory presets but nothing changes...
The same trouble happens in others NLE, edius avid etc...
I'm loosing too much time on this issue, please help me!
Thanks a lot and my apologiez for my bloody English,