View Full Version : background "pulse" when shooting on "Auto"

Dick Walton
January 29th, 2007, 07:24 AM
I've had the H1 for about a week and have been doing some tests. Most of my shooting is outside (20x lens with 1.6 extender). Programmed AE mode set to "Auto" and using the manual focus setting on the lens. Here's what I'm seeing (typical scene is a woodpecker on feeder in foreground - in focus / various shrubs in background - out of focus.

Although not noticeable while shooting, when I preview the footage in FCP I notice a definite (though subtle) "pulsing" (alternating increase and decrease of brightness) in the background portions of the footage. This is less obvious on the captured (HDV) footage for some reason.

Is this a result of the "Auto" seeking correct exposure? Should I be shooting with exposure lock on? Perhaps the best approach is just to shoot in "Manual?"

Thanks for your ideas.

Per Johan Naesje
January 29th, 2007, 07:58 AM
This can be caused by air waves or haze or what you want to call it when you are using a long focal lenght. When you are in auto mode the exposure will fade "up and down" by how much light you get into the lens. These airwaves can cause the amont of light to change.

If you decide to stay in auto mode, pull the exposure lock. Hopefully the fading will go away.

I'm not a fan of using any auto-setting on the camcorder. The more you can set manually the better footage you'll get.

Just my to cents.

Barry Gregg
January 29th, 2007, 09:50 AM
Light and dark objects moving in the frame will cause the auto exposure to seek and pulse. I tend to shoot on manual for this reason.

Jonas Nystrom
January 29th, 2007, 11:17 AM
I have recogniced the same, when I captured into HDxHDV, and exported to to MotionJEPG A (@1920x1080). But not in the regular HDV capture in FCP (same footage). Strange. But to be shure; never use any automatic option. Did you have the WB at auto as well?