View Full Version : 24f settings to reduce judder? (A1)

Steven Galvano
January 28th, 2007, 01:41 PM
What are popular settings for sharpness and shutter speed to reduce 24f judder?
I understand that shooting technique plays the most major role in making 24f look film-like.

Also have you guys played with the custom presets that Chris Hurd has posted here. I really like custom setting "16", but am wondering if it's better to shoot flat and color in post?



Bill Pryor
January 28th, 2007, 01:49 PM
I prefer to get the look I want when shooting rather than in post.
The 24p movement looks great on what I've shot so far at 24f. One thing I do when shooting interviews with active backgrounds (such as people walking by, cars driving, etc.) is to shoot at a -3 db and, if necessary, use an external ND filter to keep the lens as wide open as possible to give a shallow depth of field, ant that takes care of any funky motion. Of course, you can't get too shallow with a 1/3" chip camera unless you're doing fairly close shots, like head and shoulders.