View Full Version : New owner/ New Videographer Questions

Josh Laronge
January 27th, 2007, 12:12 PM
I just got an XH A1 and am diligently trying to learn all I can about it. My background is still photography and I have a few questions from the manual that I haven’t been able to find good answers to and would appreciate you video experts helping me out. My main use is corporate video and event work, editing with FCP 5 and output to DVD. Here are my questions:

The camera is capable of drop frame or non drop frame timecode. Which should I use? Does it make a difference if I’m shooting 60i, 30f or 24f?
If I’m only shooting with one camera is the rec-run setting the correct one to use? What would be the reasons (if any) to use the free-run or rec-run-ps setting?

What gain settings do you use for the L,M,H switch?

I read some comments here by Ash Greyson
I want to simulate some of the conditions (especially low light) and create custom settings I can use in the field. I have a Mac 23” cinema display, a Macbook Pro 17 and a Panasonic 50” hdtv. Which would be the safest to judge look on to ensure a good look of my final product for my clients?

Is there a website or book you could point me to that would have definitons of video trems (knee, master pedestal,black strecth etc.)?

Thanks in advanced for your knowledgeable responses.