View Full Version : HDV and premiere

Spike Spiegel
January 27th, 2007, 11:53 AM
i am trying to edit HDV natively thru premiere and the video looks horrendously choppy on the program and preview monitor (desktop LCD, not external device) even though it didn't look like this the day before. The footage is all juddery and i have no clue why its doing this.. How would I go about hooking up a HD monitor thru my video card to preview this on a TV? I have the ati 1900 series card, please recommend how I can tweak the graphics card settings so premiere outputs to the hd monitor. Hopefully the choppiness wont show up there...
Does any one also get this video choppiness? i have 2 sets of raid, one in which the OS is installed 2 200gb's at 400 total and the other raid which is 2 750's at 1.3tb total , both are raid0... Why would I be getting this problem? I'm also using a Opty 170 with 2 gigs ram...