Neil Fisher
April 8th, 2003, 11:01 PM
Just wanted to know if anyone has every filmed a game of laser tag. I am following this huge business guy around for the day, shooting his daily activities. Some how laser tag helps him relax. So I thought that laser lights might some how damage the CCDs of my cam.
Should I use some special filter, I thought that a UV might help a little.
Does anyone have any experience in this area?
Dylan Couper
April 8th, 2003, 11:18 PM
Tell him Lazer Tag is for p*$$ies. Real men play paintball!
Anyway, I recall a discussion on here sometime in the last year about lazer pointers and cameras.
Check out the discussion here (
However, lazer tag guns are probably a bit more powerful than that. Maybe not much more, but a good idea would be to check the specs with the lazer tag company.
If in doubt, rent a camera. :)
Mark A. Pitcher
April 10th, 2003, 12:54 AM
Most lasertag guns use the laser only for show, and they're extremely low wattage so you don't go around frying people's eyeballs (so what's the point of lasertag, if there's no chance of someone losing an eye?)
I doubt it would damage a CCD.
A month ago I received a video of a lasertag game, and they had several shots where the laser was aimed directly into the lens. I have to assume, since they did it several times, that it didn't do any damage.
Robert Poulton
April 10th, 2003, 01:48 AM
get one of those great star filters. It will look like a movie.
Lazer tag. Does he happen to have his own gear?
The black pistols or the white rifle? Does anybody remember when that stuff came