View Full Version : Formulas for reducing 24p judder

Steven Galvano
January 26th, 2007, 10:36 AM
I've been reading a bunch this morning on this site about controlling the 24p environment by using proper shooting techniques, shutter speeds, edge sharpness, etc..

I thought that we should start an thread about actual formulas that are being successfully used. I have the Canon A1.


Tomas Chinchilla
February 5th, 2007, 09:04 AM
I'd be interested as well.

This is what I do following what I have read on this board:

If shooting 24f/p

Shutter Speed = 1/48th (For smoth film like motion, unless you are doing a saving ryans privates "sorry did I get that

Aperture = according to your needs (Don't ask, for me is a trial an error)

Plan your pans

When zooming in and out I personally rather not do it on camera but instead with a dolly (rails) or steadycam.

For greater DoF (Although Canon hit it on the nail with the A1) Plan your shot, step back 5ft and zoom in, if need more DoF step back 10ft if you have enought space. When I had the FX1 and the Z1, I had to step back a good 10 or more feet, the latest Canon A1/G1 are the best in this class as far as DoF is concerned in my OWN PERSONAL opinion.

Come on people help out, this should be an interesting thread, I have seem pretty impressive video ported on the site with HDV camcorders.

Todd Mattson
March 24th, 2007, 07:17 AM
Pan = ~7 seconds.

Harry Bromley-Davenport
March 24th, 2007, 01:01 PM
Tom, I think you may have meant "less" depth of field.


Herman Van Deventer
March 24th, 2007, 02:11 PM
Good Fundamental link on motion / shudder.
