View Full Version : I Just Got My XH A1

Dean Waterman
January 24th, 2007, 10:20 AM
I just got it! In fact UPS arrived and I stood at the door like a kid at Christmas, waiting, waiting, for hours it seemed like, until he got out of the truck, and brought my precious package to the door.

I brought it inside, and unwrapped it oh so gently, finally got to the camera.


I like it! It feels like a natural in my hand. I like the weight, the looks, the feel, the whole camera.

Now I am waiting, for what. The battery to charge, my head to explode with all the knowledge out of the manual, and to hook up my new plasma TV so I can show off the video footage.

Any tips from experienced users I should know about? Why blaze a trail through the jungle when others have already been there before?

Thanks guys!


Bill Pryor
January 24th, 2007, 10:32 AM
The main thing to do is: Make a big pot of coffee (or whatever your drug of choice may be) and sit down and spend the rest of the day with the manual and the camera. Go through the whole thing.

Wade Hanchey
January 24th, 2007, 05:58 PM
I did that and I still keep it in my camera bag for reference. To much to remember.

Dean Waterman
January 24th, 2007, 08:08 PM
I have been spending time reading the manual. I got the camera on for a total of a minute just to see that it powered on, but I am engrossing myself in the manual so I understand the ins and outs.

Thanks for the thoughts.