View Full Version : HV10 Guide: Best Settings for Different Shots...

Brad Vaughan
January 23rd, 2007, 08:04 PM
I was thinking maybe some of you "pros" out there could help me figure out the best settings to use for certain kinds of shots. Actually, perhaps this could be a nice thread to have as a reference for all of us...maybe?

I'm looking to learn how to use the manual settings outside of the Auto option settings.

ie: The "P" and SCN" modes.

So if you were going to shoot the following shots what settings would be best?:

1. Bright Day Sports Shot:

2. Bright Day Still Shot:

3. Cloudy Day Sports Shot:

4. Cloudy Day Still Shot:

5. Bright Day Sports Shot for Slow Motion editing:

6. Cloudy Day Sports Shot for Slow Motion editing:

High Shutter Speeds best for SloMotion editing? I think the settings allow for 1000, but it's really dark so I guess you need some really bright lights for that.
