Jeremy Hughes
January 22nd, 2007, 03:57 PM
Can anyone tell me what the maximum f-stop people are able to get out of some of the 35mm adapters out there? I currently use a letus flip and cant go above 4. There are times I would love to hit a 5.6 or better so I still can pull a nice DOF but so it's not super shallow. I'm also particularly interested in it combined with acquiring HD footage. I'm looking at combining a 35mm solution with the andromedia package for an upcoming gig. This would allow me to capture more footage over the long haul sooner as opposed to going with HDCAM rental packages which I would rather avoid.
Wayne Kinney
January 22nd, 2007, 04:51 PM
Timur posted this footage shot with the SGpro Rev2 and his HVX200. used a 35mm lens stopped down to F22 for the first shot, and F16 for the rest (except the fence shot @2:00 where its F4)
Jeremy Hughes
January 22nd, 2007, 07:55 PM
Wow! I havent seen that. Very nice. Wayne, was that on the current SGPro?
Phil Bloom
January 23rd, 2007, 03:36 AM
The Letus flip eats up so much light and the ground glass vibration motion isnt strong enough to disperse the grain so it would be tough to use the letus flip at that fstop.
With the Brevis standard diffuser, very easy as the light loss isnt that great. With the M2 again fine with enough light. I also did a test with Wayne and the SGPro no problems.
I will finish the shootout write up soon and will post screen grabs and differetn fstops on the 3 main adaptors.