Scott Tebeau
January 22nd, 2007, 01:56 PM
Have been following the handful of posts here about the MXO and I hope that someone will give us a personal report in regards to transforming an Apple 23” to a true color correction HD monitor.
I have been looking at the JVC DT- V1710CG as well as the Panasonic BT-LH1700 and have been dreading the cost of these solutions.
It would be fantastic if the Matrox proves to be formidable alternative.
Greg Boston
January 22nd, 2007, 02:27 PM
It works, and gets darn close given the limitations of monitor adjustment vs. an actual production monitor. We saw a demonstration of this unit at the last FCPUG meeting and it was feeding an Apple 23" display.
Rich Dykmans
January 22nd, 2007, 02:28 PM
You'll get a lot of opinions as to what a true color correction monitor's basic requirements are (or even if an LCD like the Panasonic 1700 is a viable solution). Many will tell you a good broadcast CRT along with hardware based waveform/vectorscope is the only really viable setup to make sure you're seeing true color.
It is possible with the MXO to have identical image output on both a Panasonic 1700 and ACD 23" at the same time, I saw that with my own eyes at Macworld and I'm now seeing the same image colorwise from my own MXO when I compare my ACD 23 and a Sony video LCD I have connected via component out of the MXO.
I've got no blue gun or builtin waveform monitor to set up the ACD with however (like you get with the Panasonic) but I am convinced the signal out of the MXO is going to give you as close an approximation to true color as you are going to get with a non video LCD. You'll have to decide if that works for your color correction needs.