View Full Version : Daylight Savings Time in US/Canada - New Law, New Dates

John Miller
January 22nd, 2007, 08:15 AM
Well, this was news to me this morning when I saw it in an email.

From 2007, the United States and parts of Canada are extending the duration of their Daylight Saving Time (DST).

Daylight Saving Time is brought forward by 3 or 4 weeks in Spring and extended by one week in the Fall. This time change will affect the scheduling of any transcontinental meetings that involve participants in the Daylight Savings Time areas.

United States - DST begins at 2am, March 11 and ends at 2am, November 4

United Kingdom - BST begins at 1am, March 25 and ends at 1am, October 28

Time Difference (US-UK):

March 11 - March 25: 4 hours
October 28 - November 4: 6 hours

Perhaps I've been hibernating but I don't recall hearing anything about this. Apparently, a bill was passed in 2005....

Steven Gotz
January 22nd, 2007, 09:41 AM
And it is causing me problems because much of the telecommunications equipment I support can't be upgraded in time to handle the issue this year. So we need to turn off the auto setting and tell everyone to set the time on hundreds of units manually.

Jeff Chandler
January 23rd, 2007, 12:15 PM
Daylight savings time is one of the dumbest concepts government ever came up with. And if it ever had any usefulness, it is certainly an antiquainted idea for the 21st century. I'm so glad I live in Arizona.