View Full Version : I have white flash frames

Andrzej Tomczak
January 22nd, 2007, 07:59 AM
I am new user of F350. I just finished my first job on that camera. Right now I am editing it on FCP. I have a few damage frames during the whole material. All the time it looks the same way. 1/5 of the frame (down) is white. I have no idea what is it. It does not look like Betacam SP damage –its clear white. I recorded my footage in DVCAM 50I and only half of the frame is damage but the white flash is visible very well. I am also a bit disappointed about the grain in under – key parts. Dark brown jacked of our host is alive. There are millions of small ants. Any body have suggestion how to fix it. Thanks.

Nate Weaver
January 22nd, 2007, 12:56 PM
I'd check the shots on the original disc, playing back from a camera or deck.

You could be looking at a video card/driver issue in FCP.

Andrzej Tomczak
January 22nd, 2007, 02:56 PM
I'd check the shots on the original disc, playing back from a camera or deck.

You could be looking at a video card/driver issue in FCP.

Thanks Nate, This damages are recorded on a disk. I have seen them during shooting on camera LCD when I played back the shots. This is not a real problem until I am editing the material. I am using BMD Multibridge Extreme and I transferred footage by firewire using the XDCAM TRANSFER tool. I have no problem with that.
Anyway thank you for your help. Your posts on this forum were very helpful for me.