View Full Version : A couple of Kenko lenses - can they be used with HDV?

David Delaney
January 19th, 2007, 07:01 PM
I bought a couple of inexpensive lenses from Kenko for my mini-dv at one point, but now that I have the HC1, I wonder if they will work well with my HDV camera?

Graeme Fullick
January 20th, 2007, 02:15 AM

Give them a try, but don't expect success. HDV MUST have good glass. I threw out my cheap lenses. A good compromise are the Raynox HDV lenses - not bad and reasonably priced - I have two that I use on my A1 and am more than happy with. THe 2.2x tele and the 0.5x WA. Have not compared to the Sony WA however.

All the best,