View Full Version : HELP: Recording Error

Douglas Joseph
January 18th, 2007, 10:54 PM
I just got back from a rehearsal... I shot on two different tapes. First tape; everything looks fine. 2nd tape... It just glitches up. It's almost like color bars are on the screen, but they're more blocky? And for some odd reason, it says I shot in 60i, when I shot everything in 24p (on the 2nd tape, not the 1st) Has anyone ever experienced this error or have any solutions.By the way, I shot in sd... This is so urgent; the real performance is tomorrow.... Any help will be greatly, greatly, appreciated

Panos Bournias
January 19th, 2007, 07:19 AM
Douglas, first thing try to clean the head. Run the cleaning tape, maybe 2 times and check before going for shooting if the problem is still there.
I cannot see any other reason for what you describe at your thread. Has happened to us, even with a good tape played back with the BR50, that had a dirty head.