View Full Version : Direct to Edit

John Moon
January 18th, 2007, 04:24 PM
I am wanting to move to DTE and need some input. I have read over several different postings on Focus, Nnovia, etc...kind of makes your head spin. Wanted to post here since I am using FCP5 I have Canon Xl2 and Sony Z1u's. I am thinking of waiting on the new Sony hard disk recorder (HVR-DR60) for the Z1u's. BH Photo has these on 6-10 week backorder.

(1) Anyone had a chance to use the Sony DR60 or read any reviews?
(2) Opinion on the best hard disk recorder for the XL2?

I am open to your advise and valuable expertise.
Thank you in advance.

Marshall Levy
January 18th, 2007, 08:48 PM
Search for the posts I made about the Nnovia drives; they're bigger but I now own five of them and they're great.

The Sony DR60 has been postponed, again, until the 2nd/3rd week of February and since Sony has a backorder already, most consumers won't be able to get one until the beginning of March due to apparent demand.

John Moon
January 19th, 2007, 08:32 AM
Thanks Marshall. I will probably get the nNovia for the XL2. What would you recommend for a setup for attaching the device to the camera. Also, my thoughts are to take my Macbook Pro with me and download the footage. I primarily shoot weddings and thought I would get the footage off of the nNovia before the reception and to work toward a same day edit. I may put my name on the waiting list for the DR60.