View Full Version : If you were just starting out

Chris Sinista
January 18th, 2007, 10:40 AM
Ok so if you were just starting a videography business where you main clinets would be weddings and high school sporting events and your budget for one camera mics and tripod was no more then $ 6,000.00 dollars would you buy the sony fx1 or the cannon A1 and why

Chris Hurd
January 18th, 2007, 11:12 AM
Moved from Canon XH to Taking Care of Business.

Camera choice has very little to do with it, Chris. Camera choice is strictly a personal decision and either one (Sony FX1 or Canon A1) can do the job for weddings and other event work, and so can a wide variety of other cameras as well. What's going to make or break you is how good you are with the gear, how solid your business plan is, and how well you understand your particular market... among other things.

The right camera for you, or for anyone else, is the one which feels best in your hands. Camera choice is the easy part. It doesn't matter which one you choose... what matters is what you're doing with it. Welcome to DV Info Net,

Paulo Teixeira
January 18th, 2007, 11:21 AM
You’re going to have to take the FX1 out of your choices and replace it with the V1u and the Z1u because the FX1 doesn’t offer as many features as the rest and it’s lacking XLR inputs.

John Vincent
January 18th, 2007, 03:49 PM
Camera choice has very little to do with it, Chris. Camera choice is strictly a personal decision and either one (Sony FX1 or Canon A1) can do the job for weddings and other event work, and so can a wide variety of other cameras as well.

Agree with Chris with one caviat - cameras that use hard disk recording devices (such as the Panasonic P2 cards) can fill up quickly and may be more difficult to use for such long live events such as weddings.

There are ways around this, of course, like downloading one P2 card to a lap top while another is in the camera, but just be aware of this.


Denis Danatzko
January 18th, 2007, 04:58 PM
to be ruled out if his budget is $ 6 K and he still needs a tripod and mics? (Not to mention P2 cards, or any of the HDD media, e.g. nNovia, Firestore, or even the Citidisk).

I know HVX prices have dropped, but have they dropped that much?