Vitold Vidic
January 18th, 2007, 10:13 AM
I am about to begin shooting in 1 h. I do have a plan B in place but a little bit of help would be appreciated.
I have a shot-gun pluged in into my XLR port1. Upon adjusting the levels for both channel 1 nad 2, now I would like to have channel 2 slightly bellow chanel 1 in case cahnnel 1 peaks. My knob affect both channels simultanioslly. I usually had wirless mic on channel 2 (xlr port 2) but this time scenerio is different, and...
Thank you,
Bruce S. Yarock
January 18th, 2007, 06:22 PM
make sure you set the channel selector to "Ch1". It sounds backwards, but that setting gives you two independent tracks.
Bruce S. yarock
Vitold Vidic
January 23rd, 2007, 03:10 PM
Thanks Bruce,
Once I set the channel selector to "Ch1", I do have control of two independent tracks, but I do not have any signal for channel 2, I assume it is because I am not using it…
I was wondering if I could plug in my wireless microphone to only one of the XLR terminals and get the control of both level 1 with audio dial 1, and level 2 with the audio dial 2. I would like to have channel 2 slightly below channel 1 from the same source that’s plugged into XLR terminal 1.
So far if I would choose "Ch1 and 2," audio dial 1 would simultaneously affect channel 1 and 2. If I choose “Ch 1,” audio dial 1 would affect channel 1, and channel 2 would be without a signal.
I have just gone through the manual and I got this:
Pg.65, “The setting of the LINE\MIC switch applies simultaneously to channels 1 and 2.”
Any ideas?
Brian Findlay
January 23rd, 2007, 04:02 PM
My problems with that are listed in another thread "limitations..."
I've done this before and it has saved my butt when I was recording with a single shotgun at a club with a live band. But that was another camera, and it worked well.. I kept the other signal down about 6db, and in the couple of times it went into clipping I was totally unaware until after I put it up into an editor.