View Full Version : After Effects 6.5 and EDL

Andrew Paul
January 17th, 2007, 03:37 PM

Been a while since I have been here and as usual I have a question for all you masters of After Effects. In Final Cut Pro you can export an EDL edit decision list, can this be done in After Effects 6.5 or 7.



Conor Ryan
January 18th, 2007, 04:50 AM
In a "normal" way: in 6.5 no, I'm not completely sure about 7, but suspect not. The closest thing is an .amx file, but that's not really right.

It should be possible to write a script that does this for you, but that might take quite a bit of effort. If you're not too enthused about scripting, you can use Automatic duck to move between FCP and AE, the process involves the creation of an xml file, which, in this case, is a sort of EDL.