View Full Version : frame grab...test footage

Brian Luce
January 17th, 2007, 05:32 AM
please make some comments on this sample grab. I know there are several problems, it was just a test.
Don't hold back on me. I have rhino hyde.

ps kudos for anyone who can recognize the subject.

Kevin Randolph
January 17th, 2007, 12:51 PM
My only comment is that there could be more separation between the actors. You could do it several ways, from changing the color of their shirts to adjusting your lighting to have his left shoulder (camera right) a bit darker. Also a little translucent powder to eliminate shine would be a good thing. But I really like the way you have the light hitting his face. It gives him a very nice jaw line and increases his expression. Also the catchlights in his eyes are great.

Sorry, I don't recognize the subject... no points for me...

Bill Hamell
January 17th, 2007, 12:52 PM
The first thing I saw was the male talent needs a hair and rim light to separate him from the background.

I would like to see him lit brighter; however I do not know the mood of the scene so I’m probably off base there.

The corner of the picture frame bothers me in the still shot, it might not be an issue in watching the clip, I just like to keep my scenes clean unless it is a reminder of something or it is a hint of something to come.

In general I like the framing, although in the right-hand one I question having the talent on one half of the scene and the other half empty.

Good work over all, you have a good start. :-)
