View Full Version : Audio Techinca shotguns - 815b VS 835b ??

Ryan Martino
April 5th, 2003, 04:58 PM
hi everyone -

i'm trying to decide between these two mics. i know the 815 is basically just a longer mic with a longer pickup pattern. how long does it need to be? here's an overview of what i'm planning:

a feature length dv film which has plenty of dialogue scenes between 3 or 4 actors at the most. several scenes take place in a warehouse which, believe it or not, is pretty dead sounding. (no excessive ehoes...) other scenes will feature 1 or 2 actors alone in a house together. ...small spaces. a few scenes happen in a bar where there will be a fair to large amount of ambient background sounds. (people partying, etc... )

i will be using both stationary mic stands and a boom pole to capture the audio. it will be recorded with a small mackie mixer and a digital multitrack, and synched back up in post. (anyone know where i can get a clapper?...)

i'm a total newbie to dv and filmmaking, but i'm a crusty veteran regarding sound engineering and production. needless to say, i intend to capture great sound. i have access to pro recording studios and other mics to do foley and adr and mix the soundtrack. what i don't have the budget for is lavalier mics... tough luck there, i'll just have to rely on one good shotgun.

so the question is, do i need the extra length of the 815, or will the 835 suffice for me? i am not considering the ME66/67 because of price. i have read that the AT's are nearly as good, and of course i'm on a major budget. should i reconsider forking over the extra $$ for the senn. ? and if so, the same question applies... long or short shotgun? i don't know jack about shotguns. (but if any of you need a really good rock record produced...)

i know this is a super-long post for such a simple question, but i thought i should be thorough about what i'm planning. thanks a lot in advance!!


Vic Owen
April 6th, 2003, 01:54 PM
My guess is that the 815 might be overkill, considering the environment in which you'll be operating.

Important point: The 815 will not "go get the sound" any better -- the audio pressure on the diaphram will be the same for any mike at a given distance. The longer mikes just have better cancellation from the sides and/or back. There is no "telescope" effect, other than cancellation.

The only real way to tell, though, is by experimentation.
Maybe you could rent a couple?

Ryan Martino
April 6th, 2003, 11:18 PM
vic -

so if i'm understanding you, the longer shotguns don't actually have a physically longer pickup pattern, they just have a "skinnier" pattern: i.e.: better side and rear rejection... that's great information, vic. thank you very much.
unfortunately, here in the wild west town of albuquerque, there really isn't much in the way of companies that rent gear of any kind. it's just one of the bummers of living here and being in the production biz...

again, thanks so much for the info. i'll probably go for the 835, but if anyone else has any opinions on this, please fire away!!! i'd love to hear it.


Don Berube
April 7th, 2003, 12:35 AM
Hi Ryan,

Do you have a sound man for your project?

Check out the following comparison at

You'll get better results with the Sennheiser K6 with ME-66 and ME-67 Shotgun Capsules, if you can only get one capsule then get the ME-66 and use a step ladder with as long of a boom pole as you can afford.

Here's some more useful info on location sound techniques

Please do keep in touch,

- don

Ryan Martino
April 7th, 2003, 08:47 AM
don -

thanks for the links! i had already found the mic comparison artice, but the page with all the techniques on it is awesome!

i will have to get a sound guy for my film, there's no doubt about it. i think i will do a bit of experimenting myself, so i can direct the soundguy during production. no doubt it will be someone with no exp. because of my budget.

why do i want the 66 over the 67 (if i can only have one) ??
