View Full Version : XH A1 Capture problem
Ignacio Artiņano January 15th, 2007, 01:26 AM Just for curiosity.
When I plug the firewire into my PC or Apple, I see in the LCD screen the following message blinking: C1/2 and HDV/DV IN. Does it happen to everybody when you connect your Canon XH A1 (1080/25f recorded )via firewire to your PC or Mac?
At present I can NOT capture any frame: Device is offline... in Premerie pro 2.0. And Aneble to initialize capture device.. in FCP 5.1.2.
I suppose there is a camera setting missing.
Toenis Liivamaegi January 15th, 2007, 02:08 AM Canon XH A1 should be plug and play with Premiere 2.0 right out of the box. I have had several captures with this combination without problems. I`ve just pluged the cable, turned on the VCR/Play and captured to the 1080p.
But I have had serious problems without Premiere 2.0 not to mention that no software can capture in the right aspect ratio as does Premiere. Nobody seem to know a freeware solution too. So I`m not able to capture for on-screen or web distribution. Oh well maybe it`s too much asked anyway.
Can anyone help?
Rick Hensley January 15th, 2007, 10:08 AM I just plug the cable into my PC, get no message like you see, open Vegas and hit the capture button, and it sucks in the video.
Ignacio Artiņano January 15th, 2007, 04:46 PM Hi RicK.
How lucky you are. I send my questions to Canon. No replay at the time.
I should appreciate if someone find the same mesage as me.
Bryan Suthard January 15th, 2007, 05:42 PM I do not have your problem (Using 1080p24F and FCP 5.1.2) but 2 suggestions:
1. Try a different firewire cable just in case.
2. And sometimes I have to turn the XH-A1 off and back on to get FCP to recognize it but you probably tried that.
Bill Pryor January 15th, 2007, 06:31 PM Also, make sure you've gone into your View menu to and down to Refresh AV devices and click that.
Zsolt Gordos January 15th, 2007, 07:00 PM Shall not be a cam related issue as I have experienced the same with my Sony V1E when first tried to hook it up on FCP. Tried to replace firewire, and all kind of "magic", the thing has not worked. It was on G5. On my G4 Powerbook the cam popped up at once....
After half day of pulling my hair, miraculously G5 also recognized my cam - still dont know how....:)
Maybe some switching on and off helped.
Ignacio Artiņano January 16th, 2007, 10:35 AM Many thanks to all.
I´v changed the firewire cable. The one supplied for a new one. the new one for a 9 to 4 cable. restart PCP. restart the VTR mode of the cam, but when I plug a firewire cable to a comtuter, no mater if is any NLE opened or not, I get the blinking message: C1/2 jumping to HDV/DV IN.
Still waiting for the Canon replay.
Ignacio Artiņano January 18th, 2007, 02:03 PM Hi.
I´ve to say that Canon is going to send me a brand new XH A1 (48 hours).
Ignacio Artiņano January 18th, 2007, 02:04 PM Hi.
I´ve to say that Canon is going to send me a brand new XH A1 (48 hours).
Even that a Canon dealer in Madrid has ofered to give me back the total amount of my recently purchased camera (one week), I ´ve choose to get a new one, because I cosider the XH A1 a very adjusted choice.
I wil keep informed if finally I can capture with it. Thanks to all.
Ignacio Artiņano January 19th, 2007, 07:22 AM Just recived my new XH A1. NO CAPTURE problem at all. After first 10 min recording (1080/25p)and capture, everyting works perfect inside FCP. This afternoon I´ll ferform the same tests inside PremierPro 2.0
Thaks to all.
Ignacio Artiņano January 20th, 2007, 06:00 PM In PPro 2.0 everything appears to be correct in the capture side, except that when goinng to capture I have an error mesage: "Cant find capture inpoint. Tray to increasing preroll".
After increasing it to 2 secs. still I have the same error. I think it has to do with the time base set at 23.976 frames/second, instead of 25f/second. This option is not shown in the Custom Settings tab.
Which settings should be done for that camera Canon XH A1 in 25p (European PAL camera) mode recording?.
Brian Spatz January 22nd, 2007, 01:18 AM I do not have your problem (Using 1080p24F and FCP 5.1.2) but 2 suggestions:
1. Try a different firewire cable just in case.
2. And sometimes I have to turn the XH-A1 off and back on to get FCP to recognize it but you probably tried that.
Hey Bryan,
What are your exact settings for:
Sequence Preset
Capture Preset
Device Control Preset
I'm having a little trouble getting my FCP to recognize the cam for capture. Thanks.
Piotr Wozniacki January 22nd, 2007, 03:36 AM Canon XH A1 should be plug and play with Premiere 2.0 right out of the box. I have had several captures with this combination without problems. I`ve just pluged the cable, turned on the VCR/Play and captured to the 1080p.
But I have had serious problems without Premiere 2.0 not to mention that no software can capture in the right aspect ratio as does Premiere. Nobody seem to know a freeware solution too. So I`m not able to capture for on-screen or web distribution. Oh well maybe it`s too much asked anyway.
Can anyone help?
Here is the link to a great free utility that works for all cameras I tried:
Bryan Suthard January 22nd, 2007, 01:02 PM Brian,
To answer your question:
Sequence Preset:HDV - 1080p24
Capture Preset:HDV
Device Control Preset:HDV FireWire
I am having no problems with these settings and capturing 24F from the A1. But FCP cannot deal with the video switching between 24F and 60i so make sure you are capturing a segment of tape all in 24F. I think I crashed FCP one time when my tape playback switched to a different mode.
Brian Spatz January 22nd, 2007, 11:02 PM I am having no problems with these settings and capturing 24F from the A1. But FCP cannot deal with the video switching between 24F and 60i so make sure you are capturing a segment of tape all in 24F. I think I crashed FCP one time when my tape playback switched to a different mode.
That's what I have in my system but it doesn't want to recognize the camera. This is weird because when I tried to put in a custom setup, it had the A1 listed in a pulldown menu as a connected device. So I know the computer is seeing it, however it just won't let me capture.
If I put in that the camera is a DVCProHD 1080p device it can control the camera and doesn't give me any trouble, however it wont video in my capture window.
Would something like drop-frame and NDF recording/capture settings mix this up at all? Perhaps the lines are getting crossed here somehow, but I feel that the camera should still be recognized.
Thanks in advance.