View Full Version : undercranking video

Phil Bloom
January 14th, 2007, 04:51 PM
is on my website under timelapse. 2/3rd shot on the f350 the rest on the hvx200

Bob Willis
January 15th, 2007, 10:01 AM
Phil, it looks to me that these shots were all shot with Interval record, Timelapse. I know that that is just an extreme version of undercrank but I would be curious to know if you actually used the "Slow and Quick"(undercrank) feature on the camera or if all the shots were created with Interval record settings.

I guess the features actually overlap at certain points (4fps) with the interval recording having more adjustments for the length of recording. Thanks.

Beautiful shots.

Nate Weaver
January 15th, 2007, 12:15 PM
Actually, I just learned over the weekend that you can't have a frame accumulation while undercranking (ie. the shots had to be intervals)...and I see some very long streaks in Phil's shots!

Greg Boston
January 15th, 2007, 02:32 PM
Actually, I just learned over the weekend that you can't have a frame accumulation while undercranking (ie. the shots had to be intervals)...and I see some very long streaks in Phil's shots!

No, but you can have frame accumulation with interval recording. I didn't realize that at first.


Phil Bloom
January 15th, 2007, 03:26 PM
i cheated. it's a fair cop. It was undercranking but I added motion blur in final cut pro. I haven't tried interval recording yet. I will do it soon to see the results. I like doing it 4fps as it gave me more options with the look in the edit.

Matt Trecartin
January 16th, 2007, 12:25 PM
Wow Phil, Nice stuff. I had a look at the other clips on your site too. Very Well done.

We just took delivery of 2 F350's both with Canon KH10x3.6-IRSE HDgc lenses.

Hopefully I'll have something to share soon.

Matt Trecartin
Director / DOP / Editor
Arcadia Entertainment Inc.
Halifax Nova Scotia Canada