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Hal Wolin
January 12th, 2007, 12:53 AM
So I'm not 100% postive about this, but I could swear someone mentioned to me that somewhere in Manhattan a bookstore specializing in Film Books and only Film Books exists, but I'm not sure how true this is and if so where it is located.

Any other NY'ers care to enlighten me if I'm correct on this and if so where this fabled place might be located.

Cleveland Brown
January 15th, 2007, 03:14 AM
I have looked and looked and looked some more and can't find it anywhere. Not for sale, not for download, not for anything. I am putting together a video for a charitable event/Oscar party. I'll be showing footage I took at the parties for the last two years. Can anyone out there help?


Thanks in advance!

Paulo Teixeira
January 29th, 2007, 03:33 PM
You have to buy their TV as well.

Benjamin Margulis
February 1st, 2007, 03:38 PM
Alright - I've been gone for a while (not to mention that I didn't post much when I was around, anyway).

HOWEVER! I bring news of a nice little contest that my girlfriend told me about. For all you cameramen and directors:

In a nutshell; make a short little video about "I Love [Blank]" where you fill in the [Blank] with any consumer good you love. It can be anything from your Canon GL2 all the way down to something like a pair of earplugs.

I've asked around (saving you the time; aren't I nice?) and you keep the rights to your video. So you can use it as portfolio piece later on (all the more incentive to make it cool).

The contest part of this is that if your video gets the most votes you get $500 in spending cash at some large name in shopping. And even if you don't win; if your video is selected for their "video review" gallery, then you get $50. So...all the more incentive to make it look nice :D

That's about it. Hope all of you guys have some fun with this!


That's URL again:

Boyd Ostroff
February 3rd, 2007, 09:28 AM

YouTube said in a statement that it would comply with the request from Viacom and said it cooperates "with all copyright holders to identify and promptly remove infringing content as soon as we are officially notified."

The company also said it was "unfortunate that Viacom will no longer be able to benefit from YouTube's passionate audience which has helped to promote many of Viacom's shows."

Paulo Teixeira
February 7th, 2007, 05:46 PM

Paulo Teixeira
February 7th, 2007, 08:46 PM

Boyd Ostroff
February 13th, 2007, 03:34 PM

Lions Gate Entertainment (NYSE: LGF) confirmed Monday that it will be selling movies via the iTunes Store. Lions Gate joins Disney (NYSE: DIS) and Paramount in offering films via the increasingly popular downloading site.

More than 150 titles are expected to make their way into the iTunes library this month. When they do, the store will have roughly 400 films available for download and purchase.

Paulo Teixeira
February 15th, 2007, 11:25 AM

John Westbury
February 18th, 2007, 07:37 AM
I'd appreciate a few thoughts and opinions about a DVD which I will be making in the next few months. It's a film, made purely on an amateur basis, ie no professional actors, shoestring budget, not in the course of business etc. It's being made because the people involved want to do it. And when it's finished, we'd like to make sure plenty of other people get the opportunity to see it.
So my question is, if I was to offer it for sale on ebay (buy it now, for a nominal low price) just to cover some of the costs of making it (blank DVDs, cases, label printing) would I be able to legitimately claim exemption under section 3 of the Video Recordings Act 1984 ? I should add that it's not got any sex in it (maybe next time if the actors keep hassling me) but does have a suicide scene. It's not all that graphic however there is evidence of a razor blade and some blood, but you don't see it happen. Obviuosly adaquate warnings will be printed on the DVD label about this.

Exempted Supplies

3.-(1) The provisions of this section apply to determine whether or not the supply of a video recording is an exempted supply for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The supply of a video recording by any person is an exempted supply if it is neither-

(a) a supply for reward, nor

(b) a supply in the course or furtherance of a business

It says a supply for reward. Would it be fair to say that this means financial gain, as in profit ? If I am selling it for less than it costs to make it, do you think it would be reasonable to argue that it's not a supply for reward. I'm not in the film making business. I very much doubt that the film will make a profit, or that many people will buy a copy of the DVD, and I'll happily give copies away free. If I cover just some of the costs, that would be a bonus.

If anyone here has any ideas or experience regarding this legislation, I'd appreciate hearing what you think. :D

Alden Miller
February 20th, 2007, 08:39 PM
not really a place for it here on this forum, but oh well....


We are looking for several talented actors to portray our characters in a short-film to be shot June 2007.

The movie is titled Aegis (pronounced: ee-jis). It is an original screenplay. The finished film will be entered in film festivals. Actors will receive film credit, provided meals while on set and copy of finished film.

Aegis is a Gothic tale of redemption and freedom from oppression. Unwittingly caught up in the struggle between good and evil while mourning the loss of her late husband, a single mother finds closure in the least likely of forms. It reveals to her, a side of her family she knew nothing about and reunites her with a love she no longer recognizes. Underneath the rock hard skin of a gargoyle there still beats the heart of human, a heart that will lead to a deadly betrayal. They must prevail over sorcery and vengeance so that each may protect the one they thought they lost.

Sunday, March 11th
City Stage – Union Station
(For parking info and directions:
From: 1pm – 6pm

We will be conducting cold reads from the script. You will be able to pick up a copy when you sign in. For those with martial arts/stage fighting ability, you will be asked to show off your mad skills, so please wear comfortable/loose-fitting clothing. Auditions will run about 10 minutes.

If you are unable to attend the auditions we will accept audition tapes contact us by e-mail for more information.

Walk-ins are welcomed, but please contact us in advance to reserve a time (to make the experience quick and easy!) Scheduled actors will have priority.

Please supply us with the following:
Contact information:
A headshot and resume with all acting experiences
Resume reel (if available)
An hour time window where it would be best to schedule your audtion (aprox. 10 min)
What role you would like to audition for

Contact us at
and check out on myspace
for more information and current news.

Below are the characters and a brief description:

Karen – A single mother in her late 20s to early 30s. She is dealing with a recent tragedy
in the family. She is the girl-next-door type, motherly and caring. She appears stressed but is managing to keep things running as usual. Must be capable of physical scenes (i.e. running, being lifted of the ground, falling, being tossed around)

Henry - (Fireman/Injured Man) – A dedicate firefighter, where his fatherly
instincts come in handy, he is in his late 20s or early 30s. He must be able to lift a small child of 7 years old or younger. Must be physically fit, strong built.

Jacob – An older man in his 50s or 60s. Grandfatherly, pays attention to detail. Owns a
used book store but has a secret life in the occult and magic realm. Good with his
hands, kind and patient.

Child – young child (preferably female), 7 years old or younger, who is able to portray
fear and distress.

Father – An older man in his 40s or 50s. He is the priest in Karen’s community and
brings a feeling of peace and calm. Shows a caring nature to his parishioners, but
perhaps an arrogance of all knowing.

Monster – Must be athletic, martial arts/ stage fighting ability a major plus. Actor will be in a full body suit. Not a requirement, but the taller the better.

Jenna – an athletic female in her late 20s to 30s. She is attractive, shapely, seductive and
competitive. A former apprentice of Jacob’s. She is mysterious and will do anything to get ahead.

6 Thugs – serve as Jenna’s enforcers to get what she wants. Actors must be able to
portray fight scenes, ability to lift, run. Some roles require stunt work and martial art ability. Prior experience is highly admired.

Smiley – creepy looking guy. His smile makes people uneasy. Has an ulterior motive for taking this “job”. Some stunt work required.
Small speaking role.

Wife Beater – nice physique, able to look tough in a “wife beater” tank-
top. Intimidating, someone you would avoid walking by at night.
Speaking role. Some stunt work required.

Samurai – A master of his blade. Takes his job and duty seriously. Follows through with orders. Martial art ability required, sword proficiency required. Non-speaking role.

Brawny – big body builder or biker type (character is covered in tattoos). The big muscle in the group. Not too bright. Some stunt work required. Non-speaking role.

Mad Boy – slim, imp-like, non-threatening. Comic relief character.
Very little stunt work required. Small speaking role.

Cannon – A teenage female runaway. The Lolita type. She has turned to the streets and has found a home with her gang. Little stunt work required, must be able to carry a large gun on back and handle it while “shooting”.
Small speaking role.

Police Officers – 2 male officers

Pedestrians – extras on street. Need aprox. 15-20 people of all ages, genders, and races.

Dylan Couper
February 26th, 2007, 10:47 AM
Just a note because I know some people are going to look here and not see it anymore, I made the "crew jokes" thread sticky, so look UP.

Paulo Teixeira
February 26th, 2007, 04:31 PM
It’s a TV series on TLC.
20 kids between the ages of 7 and 12 were each given a camcorder to document their lives. You are probably going to see future famous videographers for sure, just as long as TLC thought them how to use a camcorder properly.

The premiere episode is going to be today at 7:00pm Eastern.

I bet it was YouTube that gave TLC the idea to do this.

Daniel Stone
March 1st, 2007, 01:33 PM
Are ISCI codes a mandatory thing when submitting a spot to a local station or are they just a nice thing to have?

I just found out that it costs $1500 to get one. I can't imagine that the guys who make those cheesy local lawyer commercials are paying $1500 for an ISCI (or AD-ID) code.

Boyd Ostroff
March 8th, 2007, 08:19 PM

Saks, whose flagship is down the street, generates sales of $362 per square foot a year. Best Buy stores turn $930 - tops for electronics retailers - while Tiffany & Co. takes in $2,666. Audrey Hepburn liked Tiffany's for breakfast. But at $4,032, Apple is eating everyone's lunch.

John C. Chu
March 12th, 2007, 03:33 PM

This is a must read. The article talks about Edison and his business practices and attitude--from propriety music formats, and signing up music talent to record for him.

I really laughed at how much of what he has done relates to everything from Beta vs. VHS and now HD DVD and Blu-Ray.

Check it out. Thomas Edison was always a hero of mine...this is a very interesting look at him, that I've never read about--though I have read about Edison's push for DC power--even though AC was a much better way of transmitting electricity-- kind of speaks a lot about his stubbornness.

Check it out.

Heath McKnight
March 15th, 2007, 05:17 PM

I read this in the magazine and agreed about the new "image" spam vs. text. I set up the Rule in email to junk the emails with .gif attachments (majority are spammers, but I had one that wasn't. Might've been a mistake or a .gif was in it.) Check it out!


Nick Medrano
March 22nd, 2007, 10:38 PM
I thought I'd share some of my photos on here. Check these out:

1500 more can be found at:

I hope this is useful for someone. Thanks.

Ervin Farkas
March 28th, 2007, 08:00 PM
I came across a webpage detailing a form of photographic art... without a camera. The artist is using flat bad scanner instead, and completes the compositions in Photoshop. Never would have crossed my mind...

Heath McKnight
March 28th, 2007, 11:16 PM


Heath McKnight
March 29th, 2007, 02:00 PM


Heath McKnight
March 30th, 2007, 01:34 PM


Heath McKnight
April 4th, 2007, 07:03 PM
This is telling; my local paper, the Palm Beach Post, does a tiny column on Tuesdays spotlighting new DVDs. What made me pause was that they also list Blu-Rays, but not HD DVDs. I don't know how long they've been doing it--I picked up the paper yesterday at my in-laws.


Glenn Davidson
April 4th, 2007, 10:22 PM
Tom Green has a 'Web-O-Vision' program every night on live from his studio/home in the Hollywood Hills.

Tonight he was showing off his new Panny HVX 200 and Firestore. He then started talking about RED and Jim Jannard and how it they are going to change Hollywood.

Some consider Tom a silly A@@, but his use of video in comedy is revolutionary. Check out his Leonard Mills Videos on the front page. He really is a video geek too. Gotta love that.

Neil Rostance
April 8th, 2007, 02:50 PM
I'm looking forward to it....

wondered if any other UK people are going.... first time this year and i'm certainly going to have a ganders round at the Apple stands.


Boyd Ostroff
April 10th, 2007, 06:27 PM

Cablevision's system would have allowed any cable subscriber with a digital cable box to have DVR-like service by storing and playing back shows on computer servers maintained by Cablevision.

A group of Hollywood studios successfully sued Cablevision, claiming that the remote-storage system would have amounted to an additional broadcast of their programs, something for which they haven't given permission.

John Hudson
April 20th, 2007, 09:41 PM
I am looking for a site that has informatin on DVD Sales by title. Major Hollywood films are not what I am conbcerned about, but the more obscure straight to DVD and indiependent rleases that are seen at Blockbuster, Hollywood Video and Netflix ...

As usual, I see some really bad B Grade (Corman, Scifi Channel) style releases and think; how much is that making ?!

Tks in advance !

Chris Hurd
April 26th, 2007, 07:48 PM
He was the father of the letter-based movie ratings system:

Tony Carter
May 4th, 2007, 08:19 AM
I didn't know where to put this thread without spamming, but I wanted a place to offer videographers the opportunity to listen and consider a wedding song that I have written titled "This Ring" for media usage. I'm a new songwriter from Indiana and I'm trying to make a small dent in the wedding music market. Songwriting is not my main gig though. I am a teacher/track coach/husband/and father first. The song I am selling is what wrote for my wedding 6 years ago. Just this past January, my wife convinced me to get it recorded and do something with it so here it is! A few videographers have stumbled across my website and have wanted to use it. Check it out if you are interested. Thanks guys!

Toby Creamer
May 8th, 2007, 05:57 AM
My parents are thinking of buying an HDTV because our current tv is getting old. We want to get an HDTV because then we can move to high definition when SKY's service is cheaper. I may not know everything about HD but I do know that they should get a full 1080p TV just to be entirely future proof. The budget is probably about £1000 ($2000). The only thing I do know is from what I've seen from a friend's tv, one thing I noiced was that there were white lines on edges in the picture, it looked like a photo that had been oversharpened in photoshop, he also said when watching sports that on the wide shots the players were often ringed with a white line. I would hate this so I just wanted to check that I get a tv that doesn't do this or one that you can adjust if this does happen. Don't forget I'm in the UK so if you recommend any models then please tell me UK ones.

Guy Cochran
May 9th, 2007, 03:12 PM
We were just wrapping up our Reflecmedia chroma key demonstration video when I ran across a pretty funny blooper...then another...then another pretty soon I thought it would be funny to string them together into a sequence. So just to tease our production assistant we uploaded it to youtube
Check it out, by the way that's a Serious Magic background at the end. The segment was shot with a Sony FX1.

Boyd Ostroff
May 11th, 2007, 01:10 PM

McCartney tells Billboard in an exclusive interview to be published tomorrow (May 11) that a deal to finally make the Beatles catalog available for sale online is "virtually settled."

Heath McKnight
May 17th, 2007, 11:53 PM
I don't think I've seen it hit x.x.10 before.


Heath McKnight
May 20th, 2007, 08:01 PM

Pretty freaky!


Heath McKnight
May 25th, 2007, 09:17 AM


Heath McKnight
May 31st, 2007, 10:36 AM


Heath McKnight
June 7th, 2007, 11:39 AM
...but if they build it, will they come? I'm curious what will happen when the iPhone debuts on June 29.


Heath McKnight
June 8th, 2007, 10:16 PM
Hey everyone,

If you live in South Florida, please come on out to the screening of my film 9:04 AM, at the Cinema Paradiso in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, 8 PM--and it's only $5! Details, directions, etc., at:



Boyd Ostroff
June 10th, 2007, 06:19 AM

So far, there's been little competition for competing set-top boxes. Only about 260,000 cable cards have been deployed, according to the NCTA. And they don't always work very well.

The second phase begins July 1, when cable providers are banned from providing new boxes that integrate both the security and navigation functions. Existing subscribers can continue to rent their current boxes.

The new boxes will have to use the same cable card technology as the competition. The FCC is hoping that forcing cable companies to do that will motivate them to make sure the cards work like they're supposed to.

Bill Hamell
June 22nd, 2007, 09:34 AM
Has anyone started a film festival?

How did you do it? What problems did you incur?
Any type of help or guidelines would be appreciated.

What I have…
A desire to succeed, good volunteers and a theater.

What I need…
Direction from those who were, where I am now, at the beginning.


Josh Bass
June 30th, 2007, 05:19 PM
I don't know if this'll help anyone, or everyone here already knows about it, or if it's just a bunch of BS, but it's health insurance targeted at freelancers--

I'm not affiliated with 'em or anything, and the plan I have now is about the same price.

Jack Zhang
July 5th, 2007, 03:11 AM

Ain't he the lucky documentarist (if that's a real word...).

Heath McKnight
July 5th, 2007, 04:04 PM


Noa Put
August 15th, 2007, 02:17 PM
Battlestar Gallactica (The new series) has just reached Europe this year and I found it so good I bought season 1 and 2, in season 2 there was an episode which really made me laugh. There was a reporter team who were allowed to follow everybody on the Gallactica ship. They had 2 camera's with them, 2 panasonic dvx100's :D
I couldn't believe what I saw, in the first episodes from season one the reporter teams had these ridiculous small cameras, considering that the series are in the future you could somewhat find it believable, but a dvx100?? That's insulting our intelligence. :)
On the other hand, if it's true, I will keep on to my dvx100 as it for sure will outlive me by hundreds of years so I can pass it one to my grandchildren.
I was surprised not to see "powered by Panasonic" on the side of Battlestar Gallcatica. :)

Nate Benson
August 17th, 2007, 08:02 AM
Did anyone from here participate in the 48hr Film Fest in Buffalo?

Boyd Ostroff
August 20th, 2007, 12:30 PM
This is OT but somewhat related to the many copyright discussions that take place around here. Johnson and Johnson is suing the American Red Cross over use of their trademark (the red cross which JNJ has been using for over a hundred years).

This might seem outrageous at first until you find out what the real issues are... will be very interesting to see how this plays out.

"They don't like the fact that we are working with commercial partners to put products in stores to help people prepare for a disaster or basic health and safety needs,'' Everson said.

And yet, some of those products aren't likely to find their way into the average home-disaster preparedness kit.

I am thinking of the All-in-One Bathing Brush and the Deluxe Grooming Kit. Both are baby products sold by the Learning Curve, and both sport bright red crosses and the brand name, the American Red Cross.

Emre Safak
August 21st, 2007, 08:45 AM
I am considering launching a Web site to help people network and find crews for their film projects. I want to let users enter the details of their film, such as what crew positions are open, when, and where. This would be useful for people overseas, where craigslist and mandy are not active.

What is the best software to do this with? I just want to do this as a service to the community so I want to make the coding as easy as possible for myself.

Dennis Stevens
August 28th, 2007, 09:54 AM
I've looking into FrameForge3d, which seems like a great product for storyboarding.

On the frameforge3d site, they mention an application called 'FaceGen', which allows you to scan in a picture of someone, and build a 3d model of their face that you can bring into frameforge3d.

I'm wondering if anyone has used FaceGen? I downloaded a demo version, and tried 2 different photos. One came out very close to the person in the photo, the other picture less. I'm wondering if usually you have to tweak the image further to really match the person in the photo.

If interested, this is the website of FaceGen's maker:

John McManimie
September 3rd, 2007, 05:40 PM
I just saw a show on PBS last night called "Chasing the Light" by Louie Schwartzberg. It includes footage from New England, California, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Hawaii, Washington (state), Morocco, Tanzania, Tibet and Bhutan.

It is absolutely stunning work. See it if you get a chance.

Bill Davis
September 5th, 2007, 01:52 AM
If I'm in the wrong place, feel free to move this...

The Superbowl and the FBR Phoenix Open (same weekend) are coming to town and my wife and I were talking about how all the crews have to put up with hotel rooms and fly packs, and it struck us that there might be a crew who'd enjoy living and working out of my studio/guest house for the week.

So my question is this. How do I get the word out about it's availability?

It's not just a house - there are plenty of those starting to crop up on Craigs list, etc. This is a fully equipped small video production facility adjacent to a beautiful guest house that can handle a small crew in luxury and privacy.

Back in the day, I probably would have put an ad in TV Technology - but in this web world, I'm not sure where the broadcast types hang out.

So anyone have any ideas where I could post the info to see if any national/international working professionals might be interested?

Thanks in advance.

And if you want a look, some studio/guest house pics and some "one sheets" are at:

Thanks in adavance.