View Full Version : My GY-100 is not Capturing

Rafael Diaz
January 11th, 2007, 03:26 PM
I bought my JVC GY-100 in March 2006. Ever since it has not given me any problem, but a few weeks ago, I noticed that there is something wrong with the fire wire imput- It's not letting me capture anything - either DV or HD. I tried everything thinking it was the software, but no luck, then I tested my second GY-100, and I was able to capture fine with it...

My question:
I just like to know if I'm still cover under the JVC warranty for it, and if I do, who would I need to send it to? BHPhoto or JVC ?

Thank you guys in advance.

Rafael Diaz

Tim Dashwood
January 11th, 2007, 04:40 PM
Hi Rafael,

Give this a read.

Likely the FW board is blown. CAll 1-800-582-5825 to figure out what your next step should be.