January 31st, 2002, 11:16 PM
If I purchase a used/refurb. XL1 can I get warranty for that XL1 from Canon or any other recommended place? I don't have the bucks to pay $3-4k for a XL1 so I was looking for another alternative. Can you help?
Ed Smith
February 1st, 2002, 01:50 PM
Go to a reputable Canon dealer, who can supply secondhand/ refub stock, where they should be able to offer at least one years warranty.
I brought my refurbished XL1 from Jessops used equipment (UK based), which by law they have to supply at least 1 years warranty with it. So far nothing has gone wrong.
Hope this can help,
Ed Smith
Chris Hurd
February 1st, 2002, 03:48 PM
If you don't have the money for an XL1S, consider another camcorder -- there are plenty of excellent alternatives. Remember the camera is only one item on a list of gear needed to shoot video. You need to budget for a good tripod, extra batteries, tapes, etc. etc. -- purchase the best you can within your means.