View Full Version : infinitycam / FX?

Dave Stern
January 10th, 2007, 11:25 AM
Hi.. what's the best way to deal with video track FX when using infinitycam (VASST)?

I've got FX applied as track FX to my two video tracks.. when I process those with infiniticam, it does figure out which plugins I used and puts those on the Track FX chain, but of course it can't know how to set each plugin since there's now a single chain which needs to be applied to video from different tracks (so it leaves them unchecked with the default parms).

I'm wondering if I had those FX as event FX instead, would the script have cloned those FX to the events on the newly created master video track?

I was hoping that the script might have applied the track FX to the events if there were none already, then copied those event FX chains up to each event on the master video track. But, maybe this is not the best approach for a script to take.

Part of my challenge is that each of my video tracks has splits in it, so they are no longer single events on each track.

Should I have applied my Track FX to each each event instead, and if I had, would infinitycam have applied those to the events it created on the master video track, or should I have left the events at the track level and then rendered out each track and replaced my tracks with those prior to combining the cams? Or maybe there's a different approach?

Hope this makes sense & appreciate any thoughts on this.. thanks!

Edward Troxel
January 10th, 2007, 11:33 AM
Apply them as Event FX or apply them directly to the media in the Project Media instead of the track.

Dave Stern
January 11th, 2007, 08:00 AM
Apply them as Event FX or apply them directly to the media in the Project Media instead of the track.

Edward - thanks! I didn't know that I could apply FX to media in Project Media..I'll have to try that..thanks again...

John Rofrano
January 11th, 2007, 09:43 AM
Hi.. what's the best way to deal with video track FX when using infinitycam (VASST)?
The best way is cut your cameras first without any FX. The workflow should be to take all of your camera tracks, assemble a master track from the raw footage, then work with the master track adding FX, transitions, etc. If you do need to color correct to match cameras, then do as Edward suggested, add this to the actual media in the media pool. This can be done before or after cutting cameras.

I'm wondering if I had those FX as event FX instead, would the script have cloned those FX to the events on the newly created master video track?
Yes, it would have. InfinitiCAM copies the events to the new track so any FX you have added to the event or the media will be copied as well. It just doesn't copy track FX because they would never work if you added different FX to two tracks and combined them into one. So infinitiCAM ignores Track FX but not Event FX or Media FX.

I was hoping that the script might have applied the track FX to the events if there were none already, then copied those event FX chains up to each event on the master video track. But, maybe this is not the best approach for a script to take.
Actually, that would make an interesting features. I will definitely consider making it an option for a future version of infinitiCAM.

Should I have applied my Track FX to each each event instead, and if I had, would infinitycam have applied those to the events it created on the master video track, or should I have left the events at the track level and then rendered out each track and replaced my tracks with those prior to combining the cams?
You should only apply color correction to the media before assembling the master track and leave all other FX until after the master track is built. If you must add them on the camera tracks, add them as event FX and infinitiCAM will copy them to the master track. At least, that would be my recommended workflow.


Dave Stern
January 11th, 2007, 10:35 AM
Gentlemen..thanks again for your replies.

John, you were right, it was color correction that I applied to the tracks. Luckily for me, it was from the same cam, so I can apply it to the master track almost as well (not exactly as well, but close). And, this is why learning these tools happens in small steps.

Thanks for putting infiniticam out there, it's a huge time saver and nifty tool.