Victor Burdiladze
January 10th, 2007, 12:01 AM
Panasonic AJ-hdx900 or Sony xdcam f350???
View Full Version : hdx900 vs xdcam 350? Victor Burdiladze January 10th, 2007, 12:01 AM Panasonic AJ-hdx900 or Sony xdcam f350??? Jonathan Ames January 10th, 2007, 12:57 AM Cameras, like lenses, are project specific so it depends on your project. Bob Willis January 10th, 2007, 09:37 AM I think you will see both of these cameras working in the field over the next few years. I chose the 350 because I felt the disk based workflow offered some very nice features. I also, already had a high end 1/2" SD broadcast lens that I could start using with the camera immediately. The entry costs for the Panasonic 900 would have been higher for me. Ironically, I had been shooting with a Panasonic DVCPro camera when I switched to XDCAM HD. But the jump to HD would mean buying a new deck or finding a new workflow anyway. I think the XDCAM disk system offers me more economical options. Because the disk is laser based I can forego a new deck for a while and capture from the camera or move files directly to a hard drive. With a tape based system that was not an option over the long haul. I have not had the camera long enough to make an in depth response, but so far I am very happy with the Sony 350. |