Nima Taheri
January 9th, 2007, 03:59 PM
ok, so I am thinking about purchasing a duo-core mac pro with FCP to edit footage shot on the HD100. I need to find a suitible deck for capture and dumping back on tape, after editing on FCP or even Avid.
I've been reading about problems with the BR-HD50 and FCP, where there are some difficulties capturing, capture breaks, FCP not recognizing the deck etc. Are these problems still an issue even with the latest version of FCP?
Anyone recommend any other decks for capture/recording of 720p/24/25/30 and 576/50i 480/60i? Are there any out there except the BR-HD50?
Tim Dashwood
January 9th, 2007, 07:12 PM
The BR-HD50 is the only deck that will playback all of JVC's ProHD formats through the video outputs. It also has RS-422 control if you have a capture card.
The CU-VH1US ( is smaller and cheaper, will only playback 720P30 through the screen and video out, but can be used to digitize any of the ProHD formats through firewire.
Mark Silva
January 10th, 2007, 11:29 AM
I wouldn't blame the BR-HD50U for those issues.
You will have the same problems digitizing from any of the HDxxx series camera's if I'm not mistaken. My understanding of the problem is something that apple needs to touch up on
the next fcp update.
My HD50U has performed flawlessly since day one.
Its a great deck with very versatile functions and now that I have it I couldn't do without it.
It did once have an issue with dv recording (dubbing from betasp composite) where it would randomly stop recording, but that was because the black signal on the beta tapes was very weak. nothing a tbc wouldn't fix.
Recently I used the HD50U and the HD100 to make some 24p safety masters of some antarctica footage (about 18 full tapes worth) It succussfully duplicated them all WITH 24p timecode intact......amazing for being HDV.
The tapes were delivered to CNN's London office and they had no issues with the tapes.
Nima Taheri
January 11th, 2007, 03:33 AM
thanks for the info.
also wondering, is the deck capable of recording lets say 576/25p, if I connect the HD100 and playback 720/25p, and thus downconverting? Maybe a stupid question, but if that is possible, how would 720/24p (from HD100) to the BR-HD50 576/25p and 480/30p work regards to pulldown? Any way this is possible working with the deck and the HD100?
Mark Silva
January 11th, 2007, 11:15 AM
I think you would need one of those component to dv converters to do that since the jvc will not downconvert through dv though it will through component and composite.
the ads pyro can be had pretty cheap and has component in and out with dv in and out.
You would set your output deck/camera to downconvert the signal on output and just crash record dv or composite to dv on the destination deck./camera
It should take care of the pulldown as far as i know.