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Tylar Mccoy
April 3rd, 2003, 10:36 PM
These people, (, claim to be an online film school, has anyone ever seen them before? Do you think its worth the $50 to get the info they are selling? thanks

Shawn McBee
April 5th, 2003, 05:25 AM
Well, there's no real way to tell how good or bad this program is without actually subscribing. It looks like you're paying $50.oo to be able to access lots of articles for two years (or forever if you have the foresight to print them). Meaning that it doesn't seem like you have the opportunity for personal tips via email or a forum like this one with your "instructors."

Most of the articles on the site probably have little or no information that you can't find on other sites around the web for free. On the other hand, at $50.oo, it's about the same cost as two or three good filmmaking books, and probably with more information than that. So, basically, it comes down to if you're willing to shell out a Ulysses S. Grant for the convienience of having whole bunches of articles located on one site, or if you'd rather save your cash and spend a little more time with a search engine. Neither option sounds too bad to me.


Tylar Mccoy
April 5th, 2003, 07:11 PM
Yeah, I guess you are right, thanks Shawn.