View Full Version : Let's talk about the HDR-HC5 and HDR-HC7!

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Paulo Teixeira
February 6th, 2007, 07:12 PM
Everything is fully compatible. It’s like hooking up an HD camcorder to a standard TV. The TV may not be HD but it can still play the footage in standard definition. Basically it will still play on an HD TV but you won’t see the extra colors.

The HC7 won’t have any problems at all playing footage from an FX1.

Daniel Rudd
May 17th, 2007, 08:36 PM
I've not really seen this before.

And it seems to be very different from the "ordinary macro" found on most camcorders since their inception.

Looking at some high end tele-macro lenses available for photography, it seems like there is at least a possibility that this feature could be used for a shallow depth of field.

But I'm not finding any detailed information on this anywhere (including the manual).

Anybody tried this yet?
It could bring a close to my year long experimentation with different gg and vibration mechanism in my hacked "letus flip"

Tom Hardwick
May 18th, 2007, 01:44 AM
Tele-macro only works over a very limited range so it's great for some things and not a lot of use for others. Good if getting close will frighten your subject and/or get you injected with venom.


George Ellis
May 21st, 2007, 08:09 PM
I've not really seen this before.
Anybody tried this yet?
It could bring a close to my year long experimentation with different gg and vibration mechanism in my hacked "letus flip"
OT - Daniel, you have a HC5/7? So, when are we going to see a music video using, say, Stock20 music? :D

Daniel Rudd
May 21st, 2007, 08:19 PM
no tom, I don't have one.
But I'm thinking about one for a project I'm working on.

Stock20 has forced me to retire from all pro video work.
I've made one exception this year for my favorite non-profit.

here's a link to a low res version:

And yes, I used all music. :)

I actually surfed the site, used the "favorites" feature to plan my project, bought the stuff (using in store credit of course), and downloaded.

I wanted to experience it like a customer. It wasn't too bad. But our new interface and search developments are going to make it a lot better...

thanks for asking :)