View Full Version : Wildlife with HV10 - Help!! First job

Filipe Silva
January 7th, 2007, 11:12 AM
I'm a nature photographer from Portugal (you can see some of my work in my web site: I bougth a canon HV10 for bring it with me in my naturephography trips, for creating a little documentary about naturephotography and my work as well as the places where i work.
During the next 2 month i will work in norway, Deutchland, Tanzania and Scotland.
1 - Can you sugest me the best setting for start? I will work always in outdoor during all kind of conditions. Is safe work always in AUTO mode?
2 - I bougth the Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 for some little edition. Can someone help me about the file format that i should use to save the capture in computer without lose quality and for editing?
3 - Can hv10 capture slow motion like clouds in motion? How can i do that? (during some large minutes or hours (i know the limit of the batery)


Filipe Silva

Mike Brown
January 7th, 2007, 11:24 AM
Filipe, there is a thread in the "Under Water, Over Land" forum titled "HV10 in the Desert" which might be of some help to you:

p.s. Your photos of birds are stunning. The one of two lions beside the water looks like a prehistoric scene from the dawn of time.